A lot has happened since my last post in June. I ran the Bad Marsh night ultra June 23rd, and 2 weeks later ran the Xterra Harbison Trail half marathon. I now have a half marathon this weekend Aug. 25th and then I will be starting my training for the Rock n Roll Savannah Marathon. I haven't blogged since then due to moving and life changes.
The Bad Marsh ultra went really well. I had my girlfriend, dad, and a few friends join in at the race. I have to say the race was very well put together and looking forward to this November to run it again. Unfortunately I was unable to push all the way through, I over-hydrated before the race being worried I would not be hydrated enough and became ill after mile 18. I actually fell over and had my girlfriend catch me as I was falling over to the side to vomit. She wouldn't let me give up though, so with the help of Linda (girlfriend) I was able to push through one more lap of 4.5 miles and ended my run at 22.5 miles.
The next week I took it easy recovering with a 3-4 mile run every other day at an easy pace. I saw a friend post that there was a half marathon coming up the next week in SC and it was a trail race. I then became victim to the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and decided to sign up for the race. I don't regret it one bit! This was a great "hilly" run for me for sure. I ran it in 2:23 despite the mountainous range that Colombia,SC had to offer. It was the best experience and most challenging run thus far. Since that day I couldn't wait to run another mountain trail again, Though one is coming up in October.
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