Monday, April 23, 2012

Bad Marsh 50K and Training update

I recently singed up for Bad Marsh 50K night ultra hosted by LowCountry Ultras. This will be a very interesting run. The race will begin at 6pm June 23rd and will run on a 4.5mi trail loop with a single aid station at the start/finish. My favorite part is going to be that the race is being run at night, so I will be able to use my Brooks Nightlife gear and running headlamp. This will be my first 50K and also a point to see how well my training has been going for the 50mile endurance challenge in Oct. I will be accompanied by some great runners that are in the Savannah Striders running club that I am a part of. Most of them have run previous ultra marathons, so it will be a great chance to train with these guys (and girls). My dad will be joining me on the run as well, making this his first 50K just like mine. I can't wait to start putting in more long runs and start hitting the trails more.

a little on my training update.....

I have definitely been seeing an improvement in my training after joining a running group (Savannah Striders) it has now been 3 months since joining. The Savannah Bridge run alone every Sunday has been not only strengthening my legs and run, but my heart rate and breathing are more in sync. When I first started running the bridge I was averaging a 8:55-9:30 pace ascending the bridge and my heart rate was averaged 180bpm for the run and maxed at 198bpm. I would finish the 7.6 mile run in 1hour and 20minutes. The past 3 bridge runs I ran were very strong runs, I was maintaining a great pace heart rate was steady and I finished all 3 in under 1hr. This past Sunday was my best to date, I ran the 7.6 mile at avg 7:42 pace ascending the bridge at 7:55-8:10 and heart rate averaged 173 and maxed at 191. There has been much improvement in just a short time while adding hill work as the Savannah Bridge to my training. Also every Saturday we (Savannah Striders) run at Lake Mayer and I usually get in 10-13 miles, This is our long run day and we are joined by 10-20 other runners every time to make it a nice group run. If I hadn't joined this or any running club at that, I don't think I would be as far in to my training as I should be. The motivation is one of the greatest parts and you couldn't find any better friends anywhere, Especially since they're all runners!

Hope you enjoyed the update and post. I will update soon on more training as I am getting further into it, and also on some new products I am trying out. ( CW-X Perform Compression calf sleeves and Brooks Cascadia 6 trail running shoe)
                                            ~Stay Strong...Never Stop Moving Forward~

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