Monday, March 12, 2012

Train Hard, Train Smart, Set Goals.

     This past weekend at the March of Dimes Shamrock Run 5K I took home a new PR of 20:28 and a 3rd place medal in my age group. I trained hard, put in the miles and achieved my goal I had set. This was my last race until May when I run 50 miles at the Relay for Life and training is going to be getting tougher. The 50 miles I will be running in May is going to be nothing compared to what I have in store for October at the North Face Gore-Tex 50miler in Atlanta. I was reading more about the race and the technicality of the trails and it's going to be tough run. It has a 4 out of 5 rating in overall difficulty and technical trails, but the scenery of the Appalachian trail is suppose to be the most memorable. I hope that's true, It would sure help take your mind elsewhere when running 50 miles. Here is a link to the the North Face Endurance Challenge Atlanta, Ga
     It's going to be a challenge for sure. Training runs are going to be getting longer, I'm going to have increase my calorie intake as well as my hydration, and I'll have to stay injury-free through all of this. I got a Garmin Forerunner 405 this past weekend and luckily got to use it at the 5K. This watch works really great and the charts and information you can get from it really helps you understand the training more. I also used it this past weekend for my long run and bridge run with the Striders and got to put it through more of a test. This week I'm increasing my mileage back up to 45 miles and will be going for 2 long runs a week one on the trails and one on the weekend with the Savannah Striders. I'll be doing hill work on the Savannah Bridge every Sunday and I will also be going to North Ga to work on more hill work at least once a month. I'm excited for the training, But the thought of only having 7 months to train before the 50 miles in Atlanta still gives me the chills. Along with the 50 miles in October, I will also have the Rock N Roll Savannah Marathon coming up 3 weeks after that run and I'm definitely doing it again this year to redeem my time of 5:30 last year. I ran the Rock N Roll Marathon with a broken hand and a cast on right arm last year. The doctor said he wouldn't advise that I run, but I wasn't letting a cast stop me. I had also taken 1 month off training prior due to pain meds and injuries before the marathon. So pretty much I had a crappy first marathon and need the redemption.
     So since the Tybee run Feb 3 I improved my speed, my distance and mental strength for the upcoming training. It's still going be tough, But since I've started with this blog I've had a lot of support from friends and some people I have never met before. That's one of the joys of being a runner, people you have never met read your stories and become inspired or motivated and that actually helps me keep a positive mindset and keep going with what I'm doing. I wouldn't ever let myself down and I would never want to let any followers down.

Here is what my schedule looks like so far..
May 4th- Relay for Life @ BC from 7pm-7am. I will be running 50 miles in under 12 hours.
I will take 3 weeks after this run to recover and drop my mileage to 25-30 until May 26th when I will run the Savannah Mile.
June 2nd- Survive the five...K on Isle of Hope
August 25th- XC kickoff 5K
August 26th- Half marathon Milestone
September 22nd- YMCA Heart of Savannah 5K
October 13th- The North Face Endurance Gore-Tex 50 Mile- Going for Sub 10 hours
November 3rd- Rock N Roll Savannah Marathon- Sub- 4:00

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